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Farm Day at the Kirby's

Yesterday, I got the opportunity to sell some baked goods at a friends place during their Farm Day Event.

There were a ton of vendors there, including some people selling brick-oven pizza. Maybe I was just really hungry but that pizza was amazing!

Someone else brought flowers and butterflies along with them, which they released at the end of the day.

Besides hosting the event, the Kirby's were selling some of their honey (they keep bee hives and collect the honey from there), vertical gardening systems and other things. Adelynn Kirby, one of my friends, sold homemade muffins and clay charms.

As for me, I was selling some book themed cupcakes (Pride & Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, Swallows and Amazons, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.) Because, for one thing, I'm that nerdy apparently..

Also a whole bunch of cookies.. Like, a lot.. Including some painted butterfly cookies :)

I also brought two boxes of flower cupcakes, one of which got ruined on the way there :(

Once again I was reminded that you DO NOT WANT CUPCAKES WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. THEY WILL GET MESSED UP. JUST DON'T. The cupcakes also somehow managed to slide underneath the holders? Yikes.

But I think overall it was really good, I even made some money XD.

Mr. Kirby's (Blake's) Youtube Channel:

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